
  1. 校 is the 632nd most frequent character.
  2. has 2 dictionary entries.
  3. appears as a character in 49 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (tree), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao4 - to proofread/to check/to compare
  2. xiao4 - school/military officer/CL:所[suo3]

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 校 (jiao4): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 校 (xiao4): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pinyin final.

Example Words:

High Frequency

学校 (學校)
校园 (校園)

Medium Frequency

校内 (校內)
校区 (校區)
校车 (校車)
校长 (校長)
军校 (軍校)

#Back to top


  1. 较 is the 491st most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 19 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (car), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao4 - comparatively/(preposition comparing difference in degree)/to contrast/to compare/rather/fairly/clearly (different)/markedly/to haggle over/to quibble

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 较 (jiao4): The component 车 is pronounced as 'ju1'. It has the same pinyin initial.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 较 (jiao4): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

比较 (比較)

Medium Frequency

斤斤计较 (斤斤計較)
计较 (計較)
较为 (較為)
较量 (較量)

#Back to top


  1. 較 is the 491st most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 19 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (car), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao4 - comparatively/(preposition comparing difference in degree)/to contrast/to compare/rather/fairly/clearly (different)/markedly/to haggle over/to quibble

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 較 (jiao4): The component 車 is pronounced as 'ju1'. It has the same pinyin initial.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 較 (jiao4): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

比较 (比較)

Medium Frequency

斤斤计较 (斤斤計較)
计较 (計較)
较为 (較為)
较量 (較量)

#Back to top


  1. 狡 is the 2664th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 5 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (dog), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - crafty/cunning/sly

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 狡 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

Medium Frequency

狡诈 (狡詐)
狡辩 (狡辯)

#Back to top


  1. 绞 is the 2666th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 10 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (silk), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the neck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 绞 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

绞痛 (絞痛)
绞尽脑汁 (絞盡腦汁)

Medium Frequency

心绞痛 (心絞痛)
绞刑 (絞刑)
绞死 (絞死)
绞肉机 (絞肉機)

#Back to top


  1. 絞 is the 2666th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 10 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (silk), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - to twist (strands into a thread)/to entangle/to wring/to hang (by the neck)/to turn/to wind/classifier for skeins of yarn

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 絞 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

绞痛 (絞痛)
绞尽脑汁 (絞盡腦汁)

Medium Frequency

心绞痛 (心絞痛)
绞刑 (絞刑)
绞死 (絞死)
绞肉机 (絞肉機)

#Back to top


  1. 饺 is the 3642nd most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 8 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (eat/food), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - dumplings with meat filling

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 饺 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

饺子 (餃子)

Medium Frequency

包饺子 (包餃子)
水饺 (水餃)

#Back to top


  1. 餃 is the 3642nd most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 8 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (human), (line), (pig snout), (second), (dot), (dot), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - dumplings with meat filling

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 餃 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 餃 (jiao3): The component 彐 is pronounced as 'ji4'. It has the same pinyin initial.

Example Words:

High Frequency

饺子 (餃子)

Medium Frequency

包饺子 (包餃子)
水饺 (水餃)

#Back to top


  1. 皎 is the 4336th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 4 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (white), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - bright/white

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 皎 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

皎洁 (皎潔)

Medium Frequency


#Back to top


  1. 佼 is the 3984th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 2 words.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (human), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - handsome

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 佼 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.

Example Words:

High Frequency

Medium Frequency


#Back to top


  1. 铰 is the 4609th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 1 word.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (metal/gold), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> 丿, , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - scissors/to cut (with scissors)

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 铰 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 铰 (jiao3): The component 钅 is pronounced as 'jin1'. It has the same pinyin initial.

Example Words:

High Frequency

铰链 (鉸鏈)

Medium Frequency

#Back to top


  1. 鉸 is the 4609th most frequent character.
  2. has 1 dictionary entry.
  3. appears as a character in 1 word.
  4. appears as a component in 0 characters.


Once :
=> ,
Radical :
=> (metal/gold), (lid), (eight/divide), (N/A)
Graphical :
=> , , , , , , , , ,

Pinyin & Meaning:

  1. jiao3 - scissors/to cut (with scissors)

Pronunciation Clues:

  1. Pronunciation clue for 鉸 (jiao3): The component 交 is pronounced as 'jiao1'. It has the same pronunciation as the character, but differs on tone.
  2. Pronunciation clue for 鉸 (jiao3): The component 金 is pronounced as 'jin1'. It has the same pinyin initial.

Example Words:

High Frequency

铰链 (鉸鏈)

Medium Frequency

Decomposition Levels:
Level 1: Only divided once. So only two components.
Level 2: Radical Decomposition. The character gets decomposed into its lowest radical components. For the complete list visit the Radical wikipedia page.
Level 3: Graphical Decomposition. Shows all the strokes & lowest level of components that make up the character.
If you see questions marks or too many "block" characters, especially when it comes to level 3 decomposition you might need the correct font.